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Technological society and the quantified self, a powerful structure of physical alienation

As current developments in physical computing contributes to augment social anxiety by measuring every aspect of daily life, it feels needed to understand to which degree all those props are seriously intrusive not only putting at risk individual personal space and information, but also in depth physical intimacy, as they do not clearly state the limit between what is individual and what is collective.

Jacques Ellul has already identified the technical sacralization as a cause for alienation, and this session will drive from his concepts to launch a classification process. Starting from an overview of examples taken in the reductive builder only approach specifically focusing on trying to understand their inherent tendency to generate technological fascination.

We will focus on defining new relations to understand the Technological Society, as a powerful structure of physical alienation. Because those physical computing and quantified self endeavors alien us basic empowerment on our body feelings and offer an intrusive machine control over our most intimate knowledge. Other thinkers will also give us tools to better appropriate physical computing perceptive action, opening doors for constant adaptation, critical thinking, and networking between self aware individuals in collectivity.

1. The technological society, Jacques Ellul, 1967.
2. Le Bluff technologique, Jacques Ellul 1988.

Saturday, 13:00 to 14:00