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CiTiZEN KiNO (#40): All You Can't Eat!

A Snowden Leak-easy Banquet Special

Hello CiTiZENs, we are the psychomedia analysts from the XLterrestrials, an arts and praxis group currently based in the last remaining tunnels of Btropolis, still under siege, stocking up on brainfood items, counter-cultural maps, re-embodied detournement and freshly-picked perspectives to help us all make it through to the next autonomous zone alive and intact. And we're bringing our latest episode of CiTiZEN KiNO to Interference:

XLterrestrials present CiTiZEN KINO #40 : All You Can't Eat

CiTiZEN KiNO is a method of cinema hacking and media navigating as an effort to provide a public platform for  analyzing our current challenges and social crises arising from an afflicted civilization out of balance on multiple levels. C-KiNO #40 explores the current digital culture colonization and occupation. We'll be reflecting on the situations now often described as a Post-Snowden Internet or as we've termed the cybernetic regime, assessing the dangers and discussing possible new routes to take in this information-flooded, over-networked and fully militarized social sphere. We'll be referencing a variety of
current research and critiques from the likes of Astra Taylor, Morozov, and excerpts from an illuminating doc called Eyewar from Root and Thorn. And a number of other unusual audio-visual specimens will be used to experiment with you - the media-users.

Friday, 20:00 to 21:00